A place where daylight aches
It's all unreal to you
A sunset calls me here
I swear to love it's true
So alien this vaulted screen
And patterns form into contours
The dark around me as dense as matter...
A stellar quake fills the astral space
How dare you not to see?
My tears are gifts to you
A heart you must set free
How dare you not believe?
Because I freeze in the warmth, in the glow of Helios -
sweat in the heart of summer drained
and radiant life to falter and beautiful tears to dry:
I'm gracefully bowing... in horror
warmth - calor
wallow - chafurdar
tears - lágrimas
would - seria
sweat - suor
swear - jurar
sunset - por do sol
summer - verão
strength - força
spirit - espírito
stare - olhar fixamente
space - espaço
somehow - de alguma forma
shackles - grilhões
radiant - radiante
drained - drenado
ether - éter
screen - tela
dense - denso
dilated - dilatado
daylight - luz do dia
calls - chamadas
follow - segue
waterless - sem água
dance - dança
these - estes
contours - contornos
unreal - irreal
bowing - curvando-se
bloom - flor
black - preto
matter - importam
where - onde
beautiful - bonita
alien - estrangeiro
sorrow - tristeza
along - ao longo
aches - dores
astral - astral
pretend - faz de conta
because - porque
believe - acreditam
unwilling - não querendo
ocean - oceano
vaulted - abobadado
drizzling - chuvisco
dissolve - dissolver
birth - nascimento
emerge - emergem
soothing - calmante
enter - entrar
gracefully - graciosamente
falter - vacilar
patterns - padrões
heart - coração
through - através
deserts - desertos
fills - preenche
quake - terremoto
horror - horror
frailty - fragilidade
gifts - presentes
marry - casar
stellar - estelar
nebula - nebulosa
poetry - poesia
nothing - nada
petrified - petrificado
around - por aí
piercing - piercing
freeze - congelar
place - lugar, colocar
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