I don't remember quite how I met you wasn't long ago

I just get a picture of sun in your eyes the waves in your hair

Maybe it's something said in a movie or you could've said last night

It just took me out on a limb and I don't really know what I'm doing here

And sometimes I'm caught in a landslide and my beats so in time can you look at me

I'm out of reach I'll talk if it feels right I've had my last chance on the stairway

Funny it's just like a scene out of Voltaire twisting out of sight

Cause when all the curtains are pulled back we'll turn and see the circles we've traced

Ain't no game (ooo-ooo) when you're playing with fire

It doesn't seem right that we fight so the party runs all night

wonder - maravilha
waves - ondas
leave - sair
landslide - deslizamento de terra
right - certo
fight - luta
perfume - perfume
party - festa
reach - alcance
caught - apanhado
atmosphere - atmosfera
feels - sente
makes - faz com que
night - noite
circles - círculos
heaven - céu
sinking - afundando
curtains - cortinas
doing - fazendo
keeps - mantém
traced - rastreado
alive - vivo
beats - batidas
nervous - nervoso
picture - cenário
scene - cena
could - poderia
cause - causa
dance - dança
stairway - escada
thinking - pensando
drinking - bebendo
maybe - talvez
movie - filme
forever - para sempre
sight - vista
playing - jogando
please - por favor
later - mais tarde
pulled - puxado
chance - chance
quite - bastante
really - realmente
remember - lembrar
something - alguma coisa
sometimes - as vezes
funny - engraçado
twisting - torcer

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