We are undergoing treatment

Watching others in the news

Studying our worst reviews

They say we'll get over it

Disappear like dinosaurs

To the sound of small applause

Resign to the mid-price section

If you see me walking in the garden

Don't ever ask me for an autograph

If you ever catch me in the arcade

Don't even stop me for a photograph

We are undergoing treatment

'Til our ethic fits the scene

worst - pior
undergoing - passando por
testosterone - testosterona
walking - caminhando
still - ainda
sound - som
watching - assistindo
something - alguma coisa
section - seção
reviews - rever
really - realmente
price - preço
photograph - fotografia
dinosaurs - dinossauros
small - pequeno
others - outras
magazine - revista
treatment - tratamento
scene - cena
delusions - delírios
entertain - entreter
crave - almejar
blame - culpa
terrified - aterrorizado
conformity - conformidade
catch - pegar
applause - aplausos
studying - estudando
little - pequeno
ambition - ambição
autograph - autógrafo
arcade - videogames
these - estes
resign - demitir-se
music - música
disappear - desaparecer
doctors - médicos
notion - noção
ethic - ética
garden - jardim
grandeur - grandeza
keeps - mantém
strangest - mais estranho
mediocre - medíocre
guessing - adivinhação
missing - ausência de

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