You trembled like you'd seen the ghost

And I gave in

I lack the things you need the most, you said

Where have you been

You wasted all that sweetness to run and hide

I wonder why

I remind you of the days you poured your heart into

But you never tried

I've fallen from grace

Took a blow to my face

I've loved and I've lost

I've loved and I've lost

Explosions...on the day you wake up

Needing somebody and you've learned

It's okay to be afraid

But it will never be the same

wonder - maravilha
warning - atenção
untold - incontável
tried - tentou
watch - assistir
think - pensar
things - coisas
trembled - tremeu
sweetness - doçura
simple - simples
where - onde
remind - lembrar
poured - derramado
pieces - peças
peace - paz
wasted - desperdiçado
nights - noites
never - nunca
darling - querida
explosions - explosões
still - ainda
fallen - caído
cause - causa
could - poderia
needing - precisando
bleeding - sangramento
rules - regras
afraid - receoso
another - outro
motion - movimento
better - melhor
mountains - montanhas
falling - queda
everything - tudo
floods - inundações
somebody - alguém
ghost - fantasma
grace - graça
learned - aprendido
faith - fé
loved - amado
heart - coração
thing - coisa
starts - começa
shake - mexe
intentions - intenções

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