I've a constant ache in the morning light
It's on account of the night before
Some Park Lane lady in a shady bar
Took a fancy to the watch I wore
But I can still remember how she laughed at me
As I spun around and hit the bed
She said thank you honey, forget about the money
This pretty watch'll do instead
yellow - amarelo
thank - obrigado
summer - verão
spend - gastar
slice - fatia
shady - sombrio
remember - lembrar
pretty - bonita
night - noite
still - ainda
rolling - rolando
muscle - músculo
money - dinheiro
fancy - chique
downtown - centro da cidade
before - antes
laughed - riu
could - poderia
catch - pegar
account - conta
women - mulheres
constant - constante
about - sobre
crying - chorando
woman - Mulher
indeed - de fato
trying - tentando
living - vivo
forget - esqueço
sorry - desculpa
friend - amigos
matching - coincidindo
gonna - vai
morning - manhã
hustlers - prostitutas
static - estático
around - por aí
instead - em vez de
leaves - sai
watch - assistir
honey - mel
light - luz
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