The sky fell over cheap Korean monster-movie scenery

And spilled into the reservoir of the crushed capsule hotel

Between the Disney abattoir and the chemical refinery

And I knew I was in trouble but I thought I was in hell

So you look around the tiny room and you wonder where the hell you are

While the K.K.K. convention are all stranded in the bar

They wear hoods and carry shotguns in the main streets of Montgomery

But they're helpless here as babies 'cause they're only here on holiday

What do we care if the world is a joke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

We'll give it a big kiss

We'll give it a poke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

Death wears a big hat 'cause he's a big bloke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

We're only living this instant

The black sand stuck beneath her feet in a warm Sorrento sunrise

A barefoot girl from Naples or was it a Barcelona hi-rise

Whistles out the tuneless theme song on a hundred cheap suggestions

And a million false seductions and all those eternal questions

What do we care if the world is a joke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

We'll give it a big kiss

We'll give it a poke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

Death wears a big hat 'cause he's a big bloke

(Tokyo Storm Warning)

We're only living this instant

So they flew the Super-Constellation all the way from Rimini

And feasted them on fish and chips from a newspaper facsimile

worlds - os mundos
world - mundo
whistles - assobios
while - enquanto
waitress - garçonete
trading - negociação
tired - cansado
where - onde
thought - pensamento
those - essa
teresa - teresa
teenage - adolescência
tango - tango
super - super
sunrise - nascer do sol
suggestions - sugestões
streets - ruas
wonder - maravilha
stranded - encalhado
stanley - Stanley
warning - atenção
spilled - derramado
trouble - problema
shotguns - espingardas
holiday - feriado
hated - odiou
robots - robôs
facsimile - fax
bloke - cara
death - morte
hardly - dificilmente
dampen - смочить
jesus - Jesus
crushed - esmagado
cried - chorou
costa - Costa
disney - Disney
between - entre
gates - portões
please - por favor
constellation - constelação
saying - dizendo
wears - desgasta
sweetest - mais doce
sodden - encharcado
chips - salgadinhos
litter - lixo
palace - palácio
fountains - fontes
margarita - margarita
around - por aí
teeth - dentes
barefoot - descalço
collide - colidir
shooting - tiroteio
beneath - abaixo
always - sempre
dream - sonhe
stuck - preso
stamps - selos
chemical - químico
tuneless - desarmado
abattoir - matadouro
bullies - valentões
protest - protesto
barcelona - barcelona
aires - aires
fortunes - fortunas
reservoir - reservatório
second - segundo
convention - convenção
pensioners - pensionistas
black - preto
seductions - seduções
puerto - puerto
apart - separados
false - falso
argentina - argentina
babies - bebês
bodies - corpos
mercy - misericórdia
curses - maldições
cheap - barato
rimini - Rimini
might - poderia
holidays - feriados
hoods - capuzes
hotel - hotel
hundred - cem
instant - instante
italian - italiano
telling - dizendo
broadway - broadway
mention - menção
braved - bravo
capsule - cápsula
japanese - japonês
storm - tempestade
living - vivo
juanita - Juanita

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