A witch read from the palm of his hand

that his life would turn into darkness

and alone he would face all demons

from his past that he tries to forget

An elder king warned of the dangers

that lie in the valleys of north and

his only chance was to find his shadow

so he had to set forth

He is the man who travels in the land

of dragons and magic spells

He rides in the winds of fire and snow

would - seria
warned - avisou
walked - caminhou
valleys - vales
turns - gira
truth - verdade
truly - verdadeiramente
winds - ventos
travels - viaja
sword - espada
damned - condenado
elves - duendes
tries - tenta
elder - mais velho
could - poderia
dragons - dragões
flash - instantâneo
darkness - trevas
through - através
pride - orgulho
dangers - perigos
starts - começa
alone - sozinho
beauty - beleza
curse - maldição
cannot - não podes
chance - chance
demons - demônios
again - novamente
betray - trair
aside - a parte, de lado
castle - castelo
fears - medos
fighting - combate
forest - floresta
forth - adiante
gates - portões
gazes - olha
external - externo
burning - queimando
ancient - antigo
golden - dourado
night - noite
dream - sonhe
north - norte
falling - queda
forget - esqueço
paradise - paraíso
shadow - sombra
witch - bruxa
pushed - empurrado
rides - passeios
rules - regras
magic - magia
slash - golpear
bound - limite
spells - feitiços
never - nunca
stars - estrelas

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