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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música In My Sword I Trust - Ensiferum

In My Sword I Trust - Ensiferum

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Many men have crossed my way

Promising peace or my soul to save

But I already heard you

I have seen what they made with their freedom

But I, I have no need for your god

The shallow truth of your poisonous tongue

Brothers it's time to make a stand

To reclaim our lives

Because all this steel can set us free

Rise my brothers we are blessed by steel

In my sword I trust

Arm yourselves the truth shall be revealed

In my sword I trust

Tyrants and cowards for metal you will kneel

In my sword I trust

Till justice and reason we'll wield

In my sword I trust

The sword that shivers in my hand

Do you have the might

To eat the putrid flesh

To drink the blood of the true one to blame

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