Love is cast ornately in your heart flame
Chakra wheels are turning like a love train
I could pray a hundred times
Keep these demons from my mind
Yeh I could pray a thousand times
Stay in your lovin' arms entwined
Oh that I should be ever so lonely
Driving' the pain right through to my heart
Oh that I should be ever so lonely
Ridin' the pain like a fool in the dark
turning - giro
throw - lançar
through - através
thousand - mil
tasted - provado
strange - estranho
should - devemos
salvation - salvação
right - certo
whole - todo
definition - definição
shall - deve
could - poderia
desire - desejo
lines - linhas
condemnation - condenação
soaring - subindo
ammunition - munição
fascination - fascinação
heart - coração
demons - demônios
waves - ondas
sweeter - mais doce
effect - efeito
times - vezes
lonely - solitário
chakra - chakra
flame - chama
burning - queimando
train - trem
entwined - entrelaçado
sound - som
freely - livremente
alone - sozinho
ground - chão
myself - eu mesmo
wheels - rodas
hundred - cem
these - estes
never - nunca
rescue - resgatar
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