The tide made it easier

And time made us reasonable

The currents no longer deceivers

We were the reasons for us losing ground

We were the reasons for why the lights went out

We were the reasons for the years we had

And we were the reasons to why it end at last

The struggling, the reaching

The searching for feelings

That weren't there no longer

From splendor to nothing

The rising, the falling

The giving, the taking

To fathom it's over

It's over It's over

I left without knowing and withered without it showing

withered - murchado
where - onde
tight - justa
there - há
tension - tensão
taking - levando
tiring - cansativo
stretching - alongamento
stand - ficar de pé
knowing - sabendo
silent - silencioso
falling - queda
widened - alargou
carry - levar
splendor - esplendor
missing - ausência de
inventing - Inventando
struggling - lutando
emptiness - vazio
showing - mostrando
feelings - sentimentos
essence - essência
blind - cego
deceivers - enganadores
without - sem
heartbeats - batimentos cardíacos
reaching - alcançando
about - sobre
breaking - quebra
currents - correntes
easier - mais fácil
hunting - caçando
giving - dando
needed - necessário
discontent - descontentamento
chasing - perseguindo
silence - silêncio
ground - chão
echoes - ecoa
leave - sair
feeling - sentindo-me
lights - luzes
years - anos
winter - inverno
fathom - fathom
reasonable - razoável
lonely - solitário
longer - mais longo
night - noite
lacking - em falta
longing - anseio
losing - perdendo
seasons - temporadas
never - nunca
nothing - nada
pieces - peças
reasons - razões
rising - aumentar
searching - procurando
seekers - requerentes
sensing - de detecção

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