Four walls and a cauldron of Kalashnikoving, and our home is a trigger that
I'm always pulling
At the border, at the, at the border I'm at the border, at the, at the
The short spears and the weak eternal monologuing, and our war is the
Crucible of all your longing
At the border, at the, at the border I'm at the border, at the, at the
I was there when the clamour got real I was there when your brow smashed
The wall
It's like a riot with only two perps, the more I'm here I'm making it worse
But does it feel like you're already dead? (YES! ) and do you feel like your
Brain stopped delivering?
Yeah break my finger shoot out my black eyes, What does it matter if
Everyone dies?
Hey Kemosabe I'm alone! Ayah! I am a! I am alone!
yippee - yippee
trigger - desencadear
things - coisas
terrible - terrivel
telling - dizendo
stopped - parado
spears - lanças
silver - prata
trapped - preso
reels - bobinas
tense - tenso
reaching - alcançando
worse - pior
pulling - puxar
perps - perps
penitent - penitente
depth - profundidade
genuflecting - genuflecting
delivering - entregando
crucible - cadinho
hence - conseqüentemente
checking - verificar
always - sempre
night - noite
checker - verificador
break - pausa
there - há
short - curto
shoot - atirar
cauldron - caldeirão
clamour - clamor
already - já
anyone - alguém
deeds - atos
amber - âmbar
ghost - fantasma
walls - paredes
tonto - tonto
alone - sozinho
outta - outta
trilobite - trilobite
rollin - Rollin
eternal - eterno
arrow - flecha
crawling - rastejando
black - preto
white - branco
matter - importam
brain - cérebro
smashed - esmagado
nobody - ninguém
quiver - tremor
drained - drenado
dress - vestir
kemosabe - kemosabe
everyone - todos
field - campo
longing - anseio
every - cada
corridor - corredor
finger - dedo
fingers - dedos
border - fronteira
heaving - levantando
holocaust - holocausto
looking - olhando
making - fazer
security - segurança
memory - memória
phone - telefone
bullet - bala
breeze - brisa
moment - momento
orphaned - órfão
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