So they came one by one,

There was never any warning,

Bled out the stuck pig fields like it was gonna last, long,

And I saw the whole rise,

I saw the whole thing fall, down,

And all flesh spun, a lattice of it reaching out

And I’m left holding my head, looking down at every grave,

And all millennia pass just a flicker in a wave,

And I’ve seen more villages burn than animals born,

I’ve seen more towers come down than children grow up

world - mundo
whole - todo
globe - globo
dreaming - sonhando
gonna - vai
stuck - preso
biomass - biomassa
manner - maneira
fingers - dedos
warning - atenção
dreamers - sonhadores
horrors - horrores
animals - animais
innocents - inocentes
every - cada
different - diferente
beside - ao lado
looking - olhando
peaks - picos
swarm - enxame
criminals - criminosos
flesh - carne
asking - perguntando
afloat - à tona
children - crianças
cross - cruz
fields - campos
villages - aldeias
decider - decisor
blame - culpa
grave - grave
stepping - pisando
holding - segurando
marsh - pântano
millennia - milênios
never - nunca
nobody - ninguém
reaching - alcançando
forth - adiante
someone - alguém
there - há
flicker - cintilação
trillions - trilhões
across - através
lattice - treliça
thing - coisa
things - coisas
towers - torres

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