Pale September, I wore the time like a dress that year

The autumn days swung soft around me like cotton on my skin

But as the embers of the summer lost their breath and disappeared

My heart went cold and only hollow rhythms resounded from within

But then he rose, brilliant as the moon in full

And sank in the burrows of my keep

And all my armor falling down in a pile at my feet

And my winter giving way to warm as I'm singing him to sleep

winter - inverno
within - dentro
which - qual
thoughts - pensamentos
their - deles
surface - superfície
summer - verão
singing - cantando
rhythms - ritmos
sleep - dormir
resounded - ressoou
passion - paixão
misfortune - infortúnio
september - setembro
coasts - costas
heart - coração
burrows - burrows
armour - armaduras
knows - sabe
finds - encontra
giving - dando
breath - respiração
touch - tocar
autumn - outono
brilliant - brilhante
around - por aí
disappeared - desaparecido
water - agua
embers - brasas
cotton - algodão
depth - profundidade
unaware - inconsciente
armor - armaduras
dress - vestir
falling - queda
swung - balançado
floats - flutua
gentle - □ gentil
along - ao longo
hollow - oco
intensity - intensidade

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