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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Unless It Hurts - Galantis

Unless It Hurts - Galantis

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

[Verse 1]

I hear violas, I hear violins

Heartbreaking melodies I wanna sing

I'm feelin' it all for you

I'mfeelin'it all foryou

Now I don't fit these shoesI'm standin' in

And I've been growing me a pair of wings

I'm feelin' it all for you

I'm feelin' it all for you


I might lose a little blood along the way

But I'm diving in headfirst

If I had to hit a train to make you stay

It ain't love, love, love unless it hurts


(It ain't love unless it hurts)

(It ain't love)

It ain't love unless it hurts

(No, no)

(It ain't love)

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