Tell me what you see,
In the after-life
Par-delà le ciel
Par-delà le soleil
In all there is to learn
The sun is on our side
And though you're on the run
You will survive…
Expanded to the state of light
The deepest corners of the world
Gliding through the lowlands
And swimming all the oceans
Walking through the silence
while - enquanto
whenever - sempre que
underneath - por baixo
trapped - preso
through - através
there - há
state - estado
survive - sobreviver
silence - silêncio
world - mundo
scream - grito
rises - aumenta
power - poder
though - apesar
plagues - pragas
expanded - expandido
everywhere - em toda parte
oceans - oceanos
drift - deriva
deepest - mais profundo
walking - caminhando
again - novamente
swimming - natação
already - já
corners - cantos
night - noite
giant - gigante
every - cada
gliding - deslizando
misery - miséria
voices - vozes
after - depois de
higher - superior
invisible - invisível
soleil - soleil
everything - tudo
learn - aprender
ground - chão
light - luz
lowlands -
monster - monstro
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