Analyze this chemistry, producing poison

And creeping in your veins, for the love of blood

The poison slowly spreads, through the body and mind

Close your eyes and drop your things

Be ready to fly

You're now, high…

In the sun, burn…

You're away, alive…

written - escrito
through - através
spreads - se espalha
slowly - lentamente
round - volta
chemistry - química
analyze - analisar
alive - vivo
other - de outros
breathing - respiração
absolution - absolvição
walking - caminhando
bones - ossos
always - sempre
blood - sangue
producing - produzindo
higher - superior
after - depois de
creeping - rastejante
along - ao longo
close - fechar
veins - veias
desert - deserto
consumed - consumado
doing - fazendo
ready - pronto
embrace - abraço
things - coisas
poison - poção
light - luz
miles - milhas

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