On the first light of the day you marched on...
Departure has arrived, don't look back.
Avoid the darkness, stay away, stay out of sight
Until you've filled the last of shooting star
Following the Sparklight; lock is in the sky.
Between the bear and the scorpion getting close.
Heading north; frozen land where tigers go to die.
Don't fear the cold getting all your memories out.
where - onde
until - até
watched - assisti
truth - verdade
through - através
sitting - sentado
reach - alcance
other - de outros
scorpion - escorpião
please - por favor
north - norte
memories - recordações
march - marcha
calls - chamadas
sight - vista
heart - coração
shooting - tiroteio
being - ser
darkness - trevas
everlasting - eterno
dying - morrendo
marched - marchou
between - entre
survival - sobrevivência
alive - vivo
reborn - renascido
avoid - evitar
departure - saída
arrived - chegou
within - dentro
torture - tortura
atmosphere - atmosfera
filled - preenchidas
first - primeiro
tigers - tigres
following - segue
frozen - congeladas
close - fechar
getting - obtendo
heading - encabeçando
learn - aprender
skill - habilidade
light - luz
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