Well, I've got a fever
A non-believer
I'm in a state of grace
For I am the Caesar
I'm gonna seize the day
Well, call of the banshee Hey Hey
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
As god as my witness
The infidels are gonna pay
Well, call the assassin
the orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well, call of the wild Hey Hey
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Death to the girl at the end of the serenade
Vendetta, Sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
write - escreva
killjoy - killjoy
night - noite
infidels - infiéis
fever - febre
grace - graça
detroit - detroit
dreaming - sonhando
gonna - vai
began - começasse
house - casa
assassin - assassino
witness - testemunha
believer - crente
caesar - César
valentines - namorados
sweet - doce
death - morte
banshee - alma penada
again - novamente
beretta - beretta
better - melhor
serenade - serenata
drink - beber
captain - capitão
massacre - massacre
desire - desejo
orgasm - orgasmo
undertaker - agente funerário
parasite - parasita
cocktail - coquetel
peacemaker - pacificador
stand - ficar de pé
place - lugar, colocar
righteous - justo
seize - aproveitar
divide - dividir
ringing - toque
shots - tiros
state - estado
spasm - espasmo
think - pensar
thought - pensamento
where - onde
vendetta - vendeta
lover - amante
weakness - fraqueza
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