Your rise and fall
Back up against the wall
What goes around is coming back and haunting you
It's time to quit
Cause you ain't worth the shit
Under my shoes or the piss on the ground
No one loves you and you know it
Don't pretend that you enjoy it or you don't care
Cause now I wouldn't lie or tell you all the things you want to hear.
Cause I hate you! Cause I hate you! Cause I hate you! Cause I hate you!
I heard you're sick
Sucked on that cancer stick
worth - que vale a pena
waste - desperdício
throbbing - latejando
sucked - sugado
strangle - estrangular
smoking - fumando
skull - crânio
tumor - tumor
semen - sêmen
stand - ficar de pé
right - certo
radiation - radiação
pretend - faz de conta
stick - bastão
pleasure - prazer
cause - causa
coming - chegando
under - sob
going - indo
brings - traz
dirty - sujo
dickhead - dickhead
fuckface - fuckface
above - acima
against - contra
fucking - fodendo
bulge - protuberância
around - por aí
asshole - idiota
enjoy - apreciar
first - primeiro
grave - grave
watch - assistir
things - coisas
shoes - sapatos
ground - chão
haunting - assombrando
heard - ouviu
cancer - câncer
loves - o amor é
mother - mãe
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