I've looked everywhere Mr. Forbes

But I can't find the cello or yet the french horn

And I can't find the harp

I don't know where it's gone

And of course, you can't go without that

I've looked everywhere Mr. Forbes

But I can't find your clamshells

three - três
french - francês
forbes - forbes
drill - broca
everywhere - em toda parte
lined - forrado
eluding - eludindo
attic - sótão
cellar - porão
chest - peito
greenhouses -
looked - olhou
should - devemos
sheepskin - pele de carneiro
think - pensar
skill - habilidade
without - sem
still - ainda
course - curso
studio - estúdio
study - estude
where - onde
cello - violoncelo
possibly - possivelmente
thought - pensamento

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