Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar
When I came to you I, saw a light of understanding

Maybe, you are only, left with that tree

That tree

Bum, bum, bum, bum


I have, a lot of things to

Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.
Adicione palavras ou frases para aprender e pratique com outros estudantes.
When I came to you I, saw a light of understanding
Maybe, you are only, left with that tree
That tree
Bum, bum, bum, bum
I have, a lot of things to
loooot - loooot
there - há
understanding - compreensão
light - luz
share - compartilhar
backstage - nos bastidores
tonight - esta noite
referee - juiz
action - açao
showcase - mostruário
maybe - talvez
things - coisas
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