This night's gone, we're moving on

Highway's calling aloud

I bring them in with eyes of sin

It's a down drinkin' freaky crowd

Chew you up and spit you out

Never want to know your name

Don't want to know you but I sure want to show you

Will forget I came

white - branco
never - nunca
around - por aí
freaky - estranho
harder - mais difíceis
crowd - multidão
hitch - engate
bring - trazer
bones - ossos
sweet - doce
aloud - em voz alta
morning - manhã
forget - esqueço
calling - ligando
better - melhor
gooder - melhor
guess - acho
leave - sair
watching - assistindo
alone - sozinho
light - luz
little - pequeno
lightning - relâmpago
moving - movendo-se
laugh - rir
nasty - desagradável

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