Alone, gazing out into space

Once full of wonder

I feel its vastness

More than ever before

A cold emptiness fills the walls

Of this place I thought I knew

The absence of your soul has thrown

My heart into despair

What happened to this place I knew

I feel my heart has torn in two

What is this place I thought I knew

wonder - maravilha
vastness - imensidão
thrown - jogado
where - onde
thought - pensamento
though - apesar
still - ainda
stand - ficar de pé
walls - paredes
silent - silencioso
sacrifice - sacrifício
outweigh - superam
never - nunca
needs - precisa
assure - assegurar
breaking - quebra
crying - chorando
place - lugar, colocar
emptiness - vazio
living - vivo
daring - ousada
boldly - corajosamente
thinking - pensando
space - espaço
despair - desespero
alone - sozinho
carry - levar
absence - ausência
faded - desbotado
gazing - olhando
remain - permanecer
memory - memória
heart - coração
distant - distante
alright - bem
heavy - pesado
happened - aconteceu
horizon - horizonte
before - antes
fills - preenche
inspires - inspira

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