What would you do if your story could change

If time didn't limit your life to one age

What would you visit if you held the key

Imagine the greatness of all you would see

Traveling in time isn't out of our reach

A metal goliath is all that we need

Powered by light, follow its lead

Relative time slowing as we gain speed

Quickly we go now, into the wormhole

Break down the walls

would - seria
world - mundo
wormhole - buraco de minhoca
visit - visita
universe - universo
through - através
traveling - viajando
times - vezes
though - apesar
story - história
space - espaço
shakespeare - shakespeare
relative - relativo
reach - alcance
continuum - continuum
winds - ventos
ocean - oceano
could - poderia
vikings - vikings
credit - crédito
apollo - apollo
quickly - rapidamente
powered - alimentado
faster - mais rápido
break - pausa
follow - segue
imagine - imagine
walls - paredes
enter - entrar
instead - em vez de
audience - público
wonders - maravilhas
change - mudança
dimension - dimensão
forgotten - esquecido
speed - rapidez
goliath - golias
greatness - grandeza
slowing - desacelerando
pharaoh - faraó
limit - [object Object]
guide - guia
light - luz
wrote - escrevi
metal - metal

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