I wanna be loved

Everybody does

I find shame in the crack-like corpse un-cadaver reign

I wanna be loved

Everybody does

I find shame in a bag gripped tight like your withering fame

We made it


Hot Zumba classes at the new church

I lost ten pounds for the wedding

I played happy 'til my teeth hurt

Sofa surfer extraordinaire

withering - murchando
wheels - rodas
wanna - quero
tight - justa
teeth - dentes
surfer - surfista
shame - vergonha
pounds - libras
placid - plácido
wedding - casamento
place - lugar, colocar
percent - por cento
crack - crack
discount - desconto
gregory - Gregory
classes - aulas
birthday - aniversário
church - igreja
cadaver - cadáver
lambert - Lambert
astra -
reign - reinado
buckle - fivela
change - mudança
burning - queimando
janine - janine
everybody - todo mundo
extraordinaire - extraordinário
zumba - zumba
falling - queda
lanes - pistas
gripped - agarrado
loved - amado
corpse - cadáver
heart - coração
white - branco
played - reproduziu
happy - feliz
knuckles - juntas

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