Propeller seeds

Corridor scene

Talk on, walk out.

It took me a minute, my mind was on other things

Oh, you got me at “Paris”

I must be coming down with something to be thinking this

What's happening here?

I'm growing roots through my toes

And leaves from my fingertips


Where does this story go?

Queue, food

Drink up


We float in tandem, past name tags and shaking hands

where - onde
wedding - casamento
today - hoje
sweet - doce
things - coisas
something - alguma coisa
thinking - pensando
shower - chuveiro
shaking - tremendo
taken - ocupado
scene - cena
story - história
rings - argolas
rickshaw - riquixá
paris - Paris
others - outras
queue - fila
discussion - discussão
disco - discoteca
dreams - sonhos
propeller - hélice
minute - minuto
seeds - sementes
fingertips - ponta dos dedos
float - flutuador
hands - mãos
believe - acreditam
continue - continuar
through - através
tandem - tandem
corridor - corredor
hubbub - burburinho
unfold - desdobrar
covered - coberto
children - crianças
drink - beber
happening - acontecendo
falling - queda
roots - raízes
goodnight - boa noite
immune - imune
coming - chegando
growing - crescendo
leaves - sai
other - de outros

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