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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Run-Time - Imogen Heap

Run-Time - Imogen Heap

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Sparks might fly, in no time.

Its a delayed reaction of the third kind. (ooh)

Im so ready for this.

Shrink-wrapped tones, I can face the music.

Stop matters bonding us way beyond

Our best by-days.

You know we've had it good,

we've had it bad, so no hard feelings.

We've done all we could and all again.

I'm done pretending.

Let's quit while we're still friends.

Making up stories that grew to be too tall,

My fortress to forget couldn't take anymore.

You nearly watched me ruin everything, everything!

There's a number one rule of don't-do's.

Well we knew it all too well.

You were supposed to be looking out for me!

Have you any idea how difficult it's been?

You know we've had it good,

we've had it bad, so no hard feelings.

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