Where do we go from here?
How do we carry on?
I can't get beyond the questions.
Clambering for the scraps
In the shatter of us collapsed.
It cuts me with every could-have-been.
Pain on pain on play, repeating
With the backup makeshift life in waiting.
Everybody says that time heals everything.
But what of the wretched hollow?
The endless in-between?
Are we just going to wait it out?
There's nothing to see here now,
Turning the sign around;
We're closed to the Earth 'til further notice.
wretched - miserável
turning - giro
street - rua
nothing - nada
sweat - suor
notice - aviso prévio
magazines - revistas
lighting - iluminação
shatter - quebra
questions - questões
collapsed - desabou
light - luz
closed - fechadas
makeshift - improvisado
carry - levar
where - onde
earth - Terra
again - novamente
between - entre
around - por aí
scraps - restos
everybody - todo mundo
being - ser
level - nível
could - poderia
backup - cópia de segurança
repeating - recorrente
everything - tudo
waiting - esperando
heals - cura
miracle - milagre
cynical - cínico
endless - sem fim
should - devemos
every - cada
fluorescent - fluorescente
further - mais distante
beyond - além
going - indo
lackluster - sem brilho
scene - cena
hollow - oco
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