I wither like an oak with dead roots.
Leaves falling of…
Never to return. There is no spring in sight.
As I seek suppression and grace, I'm falling down again…
Left behind! Rage descended from bitterness.
Still the old bonds hold me. My feet stuck in the anger.
Years filled with sorrow and pain. Has hardened my heart.
Tearing my soul in pieces. My life slowly fades away.
I wither like an oak with dead roots.
Leaves falling of…
Never to return. There is no spring in sight.
As I seek suppression and grace, I'm falling down again…
vanish - desaparecer
there - há
syndrome - síndrome
grace - graça
glorify - glorificar
behind - atrás
hardened - endurecido
filled - preenchidas
absence - ausência
smell - cheiro
emptiness - vazio
years - anos
despair - desespero
morning - manhã
dragging - arrastando
before - antes
fades - desaparece
descended - desceu
spring - primavera
washing - lavando
anger - raiva
utter - total
never - nunca
again - novamente
haunts - assombrações
still - ainda
drags - arrasta-se
bitterness - amargura
sorrow - tristeza
grasp - aperto
clean - limpar \ limpo
decay - decair
heart - coração
leaves - sai
suppression - supressão
longer - mais longo
misery - miséria
perish - perecer
keeping - guardando
searching - procurando
bonds - títulos
pieces - peças
putrefy - putrefazer
falling - queda
sight - vista
release - lançamento
stuck - preso
slowly - lentamente
wither - murchar
return - retorna
tearing - rasgando
floats - flutua
roots - raízes
shadows - sombras
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