There is a leak in the boat we are in
A leak everybody is ignoring
Ignoring the storm, ignoring the thunder
We are going under
Because power pollutes whatever it touches
We are eaten by darkness
Darkness in our souls, in our pulsing veins
Devouring our brains
Whining echoes inside the eye of a hurricane
Are lifted from the ground in a brutal dance
whatever - tanto faz
tyrants - tiranos
transition - transição
thunder - trovão
touches - toca
thoughts - pensamentos
worshiping - adorando
someone - alguém
simple - simples
rumors - rumores
darkness - trevas
dance - dança
person - pessoa
creeds - 信條
leeches - sanguessuga
choices - escolhas
victims - vítimas
there - há
productive - produtivo
illusive - ilusório
devouring - devorando
feeble - fraco
avoiding - evitando
inside - dentro
souls - almas
echoes - ecoa
coming - chegando
because - porque
brutal - brutal
power - poder
everybody - todo mundo
moving - movendo-se
clowns - palhaços
eaten - comido
bottom - inferior
under - sob
ideas - idéias
ignoring - ignorando
being - ser
pressure - pressão
control - ao controle
again - novamente
storm - tempestade
brains - cérebro
brought - trouxe
wrong - errado
folds - dobras
whining - chorando
fooled - enganado
pulsing - pulsando
needs - precisa
noises - ruídos
going - indo
veins - veias
ground - chão
perspective - perspectiva
guided - guiado
about - sobre
lifted - levantado
hurricane - furacão
others - outras
maggots - magias
abducted - sequestrou
motion - movimento
playing - jogando
place - lugar, colocar
pollutes - polui
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