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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música I Cry - Ja Rule

I Cry - Ja Rule

Letras de músicas
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[Lil' Mo] [Chorus]

When I cry, you cry

We cry, together

Said I cry, you cry

We cry, together

Said I cry, you cry

We cry, together

Said I cry, you cry

We cry, together

[Ja Rule]

I love my life, I love my wife

A bad time to prevail, it overwhelmed me

I'm livin in hell but livin wealthy

And know these hoes love me

Because I'm a star

I can't even cop a drink at the bar

Get me some bottles of that Remi Mar-tin

Let's get the party

Cracking right here fuck V.I.P

Now when my baby loves me

Home wit tears in her eyes

And when I get in, I hurt her more by tellin her lies

She ain't surprise at me

Just surprised that we

Been together for this long

And I can be

The one to mistreat her

Thought it last forever

Cuz if I cry, you cry

We cry together


[Ja Rule]

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