
(I never thought)

That you would fall in love with this side of me first

(That I'd be)

Intrigued with the thought of the gift and the curse

(Without ya)

And now your heart broke and it's making it worse

(Why Me, Why Me)


(I never thought)

That you would be involved with a nigga like I

(That I'd be)

Scared to look passion right in it's eyes

(Without ya)

And when you found love it was nothing but lies

(Why Me, Why Me)

Why, who would've thought


What the fuck is ya hobby mami highway robbery

cuz u got enough jewelry on ya body to buy a Farari

i'm like Ruben i'm sorry but I dont studder

matter fact call me Frank Love cuz i'd love to fuck ya

she said slow baby dont rush

I promise if u be patient i'll let u tear it up

and nigga sho nuff

we decided to keep in touch with each other u feel me

I didnt know we'd be touching ??

i'm surious, and i'm so sincure

would - seria
women - mulheres
without - sem
whats - o que é
verse - versículo
touching - tocando
thought - pensamento
things - coisas
these - estes
telling - dizendo
tears - lágrimas
summer - verão
streets - ruas
situation - situação
shots - tiros
seasons - temporadas
bitches - cadelas
feeling - sentindo-me
frank - frank
worse - pior
fatal - fatal
curse - maldição
didnt - didnt
family - família
little - pequeno
right - certo
credit - crédito
voice - voz
least - pelo menos
scared - assustada
crash - batida
rubber - borracha
getting - obtendo
making - fazer
drunk - bêbado
heart - coração
contrary - contrário
careful - cuidado
think - pensar
common - comum
expected - esperado
decided - decidiu
again - novamente
found - encontrado
broads - broads
intrigued - intrigado
sorry - desculpa
conversating - conversando
night - noite
chorus - coro
alone - sozinho
another - outro
sittin - sentado
drugs - drogas
calling - ligando
caught - apanhado
broke - quebrou
needless - desnecessário
tellin - tellin
different - diferente
every - cada
record - registro
around - por aí
feelings - sentimentos
constant - constante
about - sobre
other - de outros
attract - atrai
intense - intenso
collide - colidir
beliefs - crenças
understand - compreendo
never - nunca
touch - tocar
often - frequentemente
comin - vindo
really - realmente
sense - sentido
always - sempre
friends - amigos
patient - paciente
fuckin - fuckin
something - alguma coisa
attraction - atração
gettin - ficando
hands - mãos
quarter - trimestre
highway - rodovia
favorite - favorito
hobby - passatempo
makin - fazendo
triangle - triângulo
hundreds - centenas
jewelry - joalheria
keepin - mantenha
friendly - amigáveis
known - conhecido
minimal - mínimo
clear - claro
matter - importam

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