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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Never Thought - Ja Rule

Never Thought - Ja Rule

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar


(I never thought)

That you would fall in love with this side of me first

(That I'd be)

Intrigued with the thought of the gift and the curse

(Without ya)

And now your heart broke and it's making it worse

(Why Me, Why Me)


(I never thought)

That you would be involved with a nigga like I

(That I'd be)

Scared to look passion right in it's eyes

(Without ya)

And when you found love it was nothing but lies

(Why Me, Why Me)

Why, who would've thought


What the fuck is ya hobby mami highway robbery

cuz u got enough jewelry on ya body to buy a Farari

i'm like Ruben i'm sorry but I dont studder

matter fact call me Frank Love cuz i'd love to fuck ya

she said slow baby dont rush

I promise if u be patient i'll let u tear it up

and nigga sho nuff

we decided to keep in touch with each other u feel me

I didnt know we'd be touching ??

i'm surious, and i'm so sincure

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