I've been walking these streets
In the finest of rain
I'm soaked to the bone
Under your window pane
I've counted the moths
That are drawn to your bedroom light
I've wept with an owl as its beauty took flight
I think I may have figured out why
Finally found the very reason
For all this confusion the only conclusion is love
world - mundo
under - sob
streets - ruas
surrendered - se rendeu
figured - figurado
confusion - confusão
barely - mal
window - janela
counted - нажмите на "плюс" чтобы добавить слово / фразу в изучение
whole - todo
moths - mariposas
reason - razão
these - estes
bedroom - quarto
finally - finalmente
think - pensar
light - luz
finest - melhor
flight - voar
drawn - desenhado
found - encontrado
soaked - encharcado
though - apesar
maths - matemáticas
walking - caminhando
deserve - merecer
nerve - nervo
crown - coroa
resisted - resistiu
conclusion - conclusão
beauty - beleza
secrets - segredos
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