Carry on, ghetto woman

I see you working night to morning light yet no one cares

Carry on, ghetto woman

Cause even though they laugh and talk about the clothes you wear

I wish they could just realize

That all you’ve ever needed was someone to free your mind

Carry on, ghetto woman

Cause even in your darkest hours I still see your light

And when you cry, don’t you know

That I am crying with you?

When people put you down, yeah way down

And you feel like you’re alone

Let love be your guide

You were built to last through any weather

Oh, ghetto woman, hold on to your dreams and all your great philosophies

You’re the reason I believe in me, for real

Carry on, ghetto woman

When you doubt if you’re a star, just know we still believe

Carry on, ghetto woman

Even when the news portrays you less than you could be

I wish they could just realize

All you ever needed was someone to free your mind

woman - Mulher
understand - compreendo
tuxedos - smoking
thought - pensamento
though - apesar
strong - forte
still - ainda
spirit - espírito
someone - alguém
semester - semestre
there - há
school - escola
right - certo
writing - escrevendo
reigning - Reinando
reason - razão
realize - perceber
portrays - retrata
weather - clima
poison - poção
place - lugar, colocar
philosophies - filosofias
things - coisas
people - pessoas
would - seria
nobody - ninguém
darkest - mais escuro
wonder - maravilha
second - segundo
daddy - papai
college - faculdade
along - ao longo
cause - causa
dance - dança
white - branco
morning - manhã
queens - rainhas
crying - chorando
clothes - roupas
night - noite
change - mudança
couldn - não poderia
carry - levar
about - sobre
black - preto
before - antes
dropped - desistiu
believe - acreditam
needed - necessário
daughters - filhas
cares - se preocupa
through - através
nights - noites
dreams - sonhos
where - onde
built - construído
working - trabalhando
could - poderia
alone - sozinho
carried - transportado
doctor - médico
doubt - dúvida
seventh - sétimo
every - cada
imagine - imagine
first - primeiro
around - por aí
ghetto - gueto
light - luz
hours - horas
great - ótimo
momma - mãe
guide - guia
naked - nu
heavy - pesado
herself - ela mesma
living - vivo
janitor - zelador
knees - joelhos
grandma - avó
landlord - senhorio
watch - assistir
december - dezembro
laugh - rir

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