Well you're magic he said

But don't let it all go to your head

Cuz I bet if you all had it all figured out

Then you'd never get out of bed

No doubt

Of all the thing's that I've read what he wrote me

Is now sounding like the man I was hoping

To be

I Keep on keeping it real

Cause it keeps getting easier, he'll see

He's the reason that I'm laughing

Even if there's no one else

He said, you've got to love yourself

He said you shouldn't mumble when you speak

But keep your tongue up in your cheek

And if you stumble onto something better remember that it's humble that you seek

You got all the skill you need,


You got something

You call it gumption

You call it anything you want

yourself - você mesmo
wrote - escrevi
whether - se
trying - tentando
truly - verdadeiramente
tongue - língua
survey - pesquisa
strengths - forças
garage - garagem
hoping - na esperança
state - estado
friend - amigos
stumble - tropeçar
price - preço
fooling - enganando
speak - falar
easier - mais fácil
everyone - todos
other - de outros
least - pelo menos
cheek - bochecha
cause - causa
anyway - de qualquer forma
thank - obrigado
anything - qualquer coisa
another - outro
doubt - dúvida
because - porque
always - sempre
break - pausa
learning - aprendendo
around - por aí
short - curto
never - nunca
figured - figurado
control - ao controle
individuality - individualidade
keeps - mantém
laughing - rindo
brother - irmão
gumption - bom senso
better - melhor
getting - obtendo
humble - humilde
comfort - conforto
inevitably - inevitavelmente
average - média
shake - mexe
keeping - guardando
sounding - soando
climb - escalar
magic - magia
thing - coisa
mumble - resmungar
skill - habilidade
inside - dentro
something - alguma coisa
reason - razão
remember - lembrar
reminding - lembrando

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