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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Cry - Jay Sean

Cry - Jay Sean

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Verse 1

Had me convinced that I just wasn't enough me and you. Fussing and fighting cussing all of that stuff now I know, that I might' ve done you wrong, didn't know I'd pay so long, till u did the same.

I know I'd done you wrong, I was making it up to you, I apologized in a million ways but it bought that was that. But i guess you got me back, didn' t know i'd be like that, but u did the same.


Now we're caught in a circle

A constant battle

The day that you hurt me

The clouds cast a shadow on us

And I hope that your happy

we're even now, so cry baby cry


Let me see you Cry cry cry

I need to see you cry cry cry

Until your tears run dry dry dry

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