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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Fire - Jay Sean

Fire - Jay Sean

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Ah oh sheÂs fire fire oh

you know sheÂs fire fire oh(x2)

k Nobody do it like she do

Anything just to please you

and she doesnÂt mean to it comes naturally

I cant lie she sees through me

The way that she moves me

Her beautyÂs not everything


She donÂt know what she does

ThatÂs why I'm into her

I just melt with her touch (when I get close to her)

I just cant get enough (when IÂm alone with her)

And I can feel myself burning

Cause that girl is fire, fire, fire

ThatÂs why I desire, sire, her (x2)

Ah oh sheÂs fire fire oh

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