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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Tonight - Jay Sean

Tonight - Jay Sean

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I'm gonna give it to you tonight (tonight)

I'm gonna give it to you tonight (tonight)

I'm gonna give it to you tonight (tonight tonight tonight yeah)

You must be a comedian, (oh ohooo)

this must be your stand up routine,

Girl i can't take you serious, (no nooo)

Did you think you were getting off... that easy,

When your body's calling me, like a moth to the flame (oh hoo)

And i can tell that you're wanting me, and shorty i feel the same

So you ain't going nowhere

Did you think i was letting you go

Home tonight

Did you think i was letting your body outta my sight

When i got some really crazy things with you

I wanna try

You're about get it, girl you're about to get it

Tonight! oohoo, tonight oohoo, tonight oohoo ,

Girl you're about to get it tonight! oohoo,

Tonight oohoo, tonight oohoo,

Girl you're about to get it tonight!

I bet you thought you was teasing me, (no nooo)

You didn't know all along you was playing my game,

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