I'll make love to you in all good places -

Under black mountains, in open spaces.

By deep brown rivers that slither darkly,

Through far marches where the blue hare races.

Come with me to the Winged Isle -

Northern father's western child.

Where the dance of ages is playing still

Through far marches of acres wild.

where - onde
western - ocidental
through - através
still - ainda
slither - slither
shuttered - fechado
scatter - dispersão
windows - janelas
rivers - rios
spaces - espaços
crumbling - desmoronando
concrete - concreto
northern - norte
tiles - azulejos
streets - ruas
races - corridas
chimneys - chaminés
cement - cimento
under - sob
black - preto
playing - jogando
silent - silencioso
damply - incessantemente
sagging - flacidez
child - criança
brown - castanho
weary - cansado
bricks - tijolos
winged - ailé
dance - dança
discos - discotecas
fingers - dedos
flaking - descamação
softly - suavemente
marches - marchas
slide - deslizar
acres - acres
places - locais
narrow - limitar
shoulders - ombros
mountains - montanhas
pointed - apontado

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