Oh people - what have you done -

locked Him in His golden cage.

Made Him bend to your religion -

Him resurrected from the grave.

He is the god of nothing -

If that's all you can see.

You are the god of everything

He's inside you and me.

So lean upon Him gently

and don't call on Him to save you

whining - chorando
where - onde
waive - renunciar
vicarage - vicariato
resurrected - ressuscitou
requests - solicitações de
thursday - quinta-feira
religion - religião
presence - presença
plastic - plástico
people - pessoas
nothing - nada
count - contagem
praying - rezar
endless - sem fim
earthly - terrestre
social - social
chains - correntes
confuses - confunde
england - inglaterra
bloody - sangrento
confessing - confessando
everything - tudo
fixed - fixo
kicks - chutes
church - igreja
gently - suavemente
inside - dentro
sounds - soa
golden - dourado
locked - trancado
crucifix - crucifixo
graces - graças
grave - grave
image - imagem
graven - graven
history - história

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