I chase your every footstep

and I follow every whim.

When you call the tune I'm ready

to strike up the battle hymn.

My lady of the meadows ---

My comber of the beach ---

You've thrown the stick for your dog's trick

but it's floating out of reach.

The long road is a rainbow and the pot of gold lies there.

So slip the chain and I'm off again ---

which - qual
trick - truque
strip - faixa
strike - greve
straining - esforçando-se
stick - bastão
sadness - tristeza
rover - rover
robin - robin
resourceful - engenhoso
remorse - remorso
stare - olhar fixamente
ready - pronto
there - há
reach - alcance
thread - fio
simple - simples
rainbow - arco iris
pillow - travesseiro
course - curso
summer - verão
bundle - agrupar
follow - segue
chase - correr atrás
beach - de praia
every - cada
again - novamente
colourful - colorida
chain - cadeia
battle - batalha
smock - blusa
holds - detém
everywhere - em toda parte
floating - flutuando
craves - anseia
designed - projetado
footstep - passo
thrown - jogado
rising - aumentar
holding - segurando
carefree - despreocupado
losing - perdendo
balloons - balões
lights - luzes
meadows - prados

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