I’m a man, a man of simple pleasures
I got all I need, so give me whisky measures
With dyslexic eyes I’m seeing very clearly
By the way, I’m on my way
But all of my life, I’ve been treated like a fool
But I’m no one’s fool
Here I go once again trying hard to pretend
There’s a future in your man made rules
I’ll be governed by the road, get to shed this heavy load
I see no future, so leave me alone in the
I am told, the world is nearly ending
But when I look outside the birds are always singing
where - onde
waiting - esperando
standing - parado
trying - tentando
singing - cantando
whisky - uísque
simple - simples
world - mundo
rules - regras
righteous - justo
pleasures - prazeres
never - nunca
ending - final
pretend - faz de conta
outside - lado de fora
birds - pássaros
alone - sozinho
always - sempre
throw - lançar
dyslexic - disléxico
listen - ouço
gonna - vai
treated - tratado
again - novamente
bones - ossos
sticks - varas
future - futuro
governed - governou
remember - lembrar
really - realmente
belong - pertencer
clearly - claramente
every - cada
favourite - favorito
catch - pegar
nearly - por pouco
tunes - músicas
seeing - vendo
guide - guia
there - há
heavy - pesado
leave - sair
measures - medidas
money - dinheiro
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