
"I knew it was You at the door,

I saw You from the window.

Now come inside My dear.

It's good to see You again,

despite what You did to MY throat.

"THEY" are waiting upstairs.

Come. Missy is there too.

She's sitting on Grandpa's lap.

I bet You're dying for a cup of tea."

To whom it may concern.

I am scared to death.

9 years ago they finally let me out,

and I was just beginning to feel better.

I am not Myself any longer.

I guess You could not even recognize My face

years - anos
window - janela
upstairs - andar de cima
understand - compreendo
still - ainda
sister - irmã
shoulders - ombros
there - há
short - curto
separate - separado
dying - morrendo
during - durante
vacation - período de férias
better - melhor
going - indo
despite - apesar de
childhood - infância
concern - preocupação
death - morte
cannot - não podes
myself - eu mesmo
could - poderia
throat - garganta
asylum - asilo
always - sempre
longer - mais longo
actually - na realidade
other - de outros
about - sobre
invited - convidamos
anyway - de qualquer forma
again - novamente
being - ser
waiting - esperando
released - liberado
babbling - balbuciando
insane - insano
finally - finalmente
found - encontrado
guess - acho
happened - aconteceu
sitting - sentado
beginning - começando
mother - mãe
hours - horas
scared - assustada
apart - separados
recognize - reconhecer
really - realmente
house - casa
inside - dentro
phone - telefone
later - mais tarde
would - seria
least - pelo menos
leave - sair
living - vivo
missy - senhorita
grandma - avó
never - nunca
maybe - talvez
return - retorna

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