Let there be darkness
Let there be blood tonight
Let there be riots
Come start the fires tonight
Can't you see our people have got no choice but to fight them back?
Can't you see the change of consciousness demands a total attack?
Total attack
Finally they're swarming in
A long forgotten youth
The cause of inequality
A paradise for few
Superior, inferior
A vast insanity
When justice is tyranny
Anarchy is breaking out
Destruction marks their way
Burning temples turning into
youth - juventude
unrest - agitação
turning - giro
their - deles
terror - terror
superior - superior
storming - assalto
spreading - espalhando
spiral - espiral
social - social
total - total
protest - protesto
tonight - esta noite
pestilence - peste
seeds - sementes
people - pessoas
sight - vista
paradise - paraíso
monumental - monumental
there - há
collapse - colapso
mighty - poderoso
battle - batalha
consciousness - consciência
fight - luta
convulsed - convulsionado
begin - início
cities - cidades
choice - escolha
reincarnate - reencarnar
night - noite
change - mudança
cascade - cascata
colossal - colossal
fronts - frentes
start - começar
center - centro
burning - queimando
fallen - caído
ashes - cinzas
insanity - insanidade
attack - ataque
finally - finalmente
inferior - inferior
marks - marcas
aggression - agressão
suburbs - subúrbios
barricades - barricadas
justice - justiça
breaking - quebra
crying - chorando
civilization - civilização
blood - sangue
cause - causa
historic - histórico
crypts - criptas
fires - incêndios
merely - apenas
death - morte
demands - exige
swarming - pululando
riots - distúrbios
destruction - destruição
darkness - trevas
inequality - desigualdade
entering - entrando
anarchy - anarquia
decay - decair
forgotten - esquecido
temples - templos
arrogance - arrogância
harvest - colheita
tyranny - tirania
grand - grande
doomed - condenado
inception - começo
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