Death to the world men's Necronomicon
Depopulation, Quetzalcoatls return
Sorrow and famine, afterbirth of sixth age
Facing the dawn of a seven year atrocious plague
Death to the world no religion can save
Mankind from falling into bottomless graves
Tschernobyl horror oh the great burning light
Behold catastrophes as Heaven and Hell collide
Death to the world
Reincarnate the gods that died
To reign on Earth
Death to the world
Embodiment of all demise, the whole human race shall die
Death to the world, oceans darker than black
Slaughtering creatures with no signs of regret
whole - todo
survive - sobreviver
sorrow - tristeza
slaughtering - abate
those - essa
their - deles
sixth - sexto
signs - sinais
emptiness - vazio
earth - Terra
peasants - camponeses
facing - voltado para
mankind - humanidade
demise - morte
death - morte
famine - fome
crushed - esmagado
burning - queimando
religion - religião
creatures - criaturas
seven - sete
darker - mais escura
shelter - abrigo
collide - colidir
heaven - céu
beauty - beleza
embodiment - personagem
black - preto
bottomless - sem fundo
birth - nascimento
afterbirth - placenta
forsaken - abandonado
atoms - átomos
necronomicon - necronomicon
behold - contemplar
atrocious - atroz
giving - dando
horror - horror
graves - sepulturas
human - humano
plague - praga
temples - templos
mother - mãe
reign - reinado
light - luz
great - ótimo
oceans - oceanos
kings - reis
raped - estuprada
falling - queda
paradise - paraíso
world - mundo
catastrophes - catástrofes
regret - arrepender
reincarnate - reencarnar
return - retorna
shall - deve
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