Silent places after rain
Monuments fall
The last strike of fate
End time ravens over blood oceans flames
Spread the ancient plague
Among the wolves of wrath
As the last sad existence enters the grave
Battle torn
The angels cry with not a soul to save
Let us close our eyes and dream of the plague
Spread the ancient plague
Among the wolves of wrath
Purify the earth from all it's worms
Dissolving into the void
Through the thunder and the storms
Let us close out eyes and dream of the plague
wrath - ira
worms - worms
warfare - guerra
waiting - esperando
toxic - tóxico
their - deles
temptation - tentação
superior - superior
storms - tempestades
spread - espalhar
silent - silencioso
saviour - salvador
satan - satan
ravens - corvos
purify - purificar
preparing - preparando
earthly - terrestre
mayhem - caos
places - locais
demonstrating - demonstrando
existence - existência
heart - coração
souls - almas
drowning - afogamento
strike - greve
death - morte
close - fechar
monuments - monumentos
rapture - êxtase
oceans - oceanos
dissolving - dissolvendo
battle - batalha
through - através
dreams - sonhos
appears - aparece
world - mundo
dream - sonhe
winds - ventos
antichrist - anticristo
among - entre
bitter - amargo
armies - exércitos
arrogance - arrogância
front - frente
angels - anjos
empires - impérios
ghosts - fantasmas
thunder - trovão
after - depois de
human - humano
barbarians - bárbaros
earth - Terra
enters - entra
ancient - antigo
flames - chamas
pleasures - prazeres
wicked - perverso
future - futuro
stench - fedor
forgotten - esquecido
gospel - gospel
ashes - cinzas
grave - grave
tragedy - tragédia
incarnation - encarnação
pestilence - peste
final - final
millions - milhões
blood - sangue
lifelong - vitalício
plague - praga
wolves - lobos
patriots - patriotas
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