We gonna do this thing?
Well, come on then!
River road, Chevy van, cherry classic coke can
Rolling on the floorboard; Fleetwood, Macklemore
Coming out the speakers, spilling on the t-shirts
Getting loud like I'm standing in the bleachers
Creek bank, tire swing, peeling off her blue jeans
Skinny deep sugar, fish a couple of new things
Hey, there ain't nothing wrong
Just making it up as we go along
Find a little rock 'n' roll hallelujah
Throw your hands up high
If the spirit moves ya, babe
Singing hey, hey, hey
We can do it old school, ABC style
Maybe we can go a little wild and freestyle
A summer jam mixtape, vodka in your lemonade
(Alright, alright) like McConaughey
wrong - errado
where - onde
watch - assistir
traveling - viajando
throw - lançar
though - apesar
swing - balanço
summer - verão
style - estilo
speakers - caixas de som
skirt - saia
spilling - derramando
skinny - magro
shirts - camisas
going - indo
dance - dança
grass - grama
revival - renascimento
stars - estrelas
freestyle - estilo livre
gonna - vai
moves - se move
creek - angra
couple - casal
mixtape - mixtape
singing - cantando
dashboard - painel de controle
vinyl - vinil
fleetwood - Fleetwood
bleachers - arquibancadas
hands - mãos
middle - meio
doing - fazendo
count - contagem
bible - bíblia
maybe - talvez
floorboard - tábua
stamp - carimbo
along - ao longo
alright - bem
cherry - cereja
sugar - açúcar
counting - contando
river - rio
there - há
school - escola
child - criança
coming - chegando
white - branco
gypsy - cigano
jeans - jeans
through - através
little - pequeno
spirit - espírito
macklemore - macklemore
getting - obtendo
making - fazer
mcconaughey - mcconaughey
standing - parado
chevy - chevy
classic - clássico
miles - milhas
thing - coisa
nothing - nada
hallelujah - aleluia
nowhere - lugar algum
vodka - vodka
passport - passaporte
peeling - descamação
lemonade - limonada
rolling - rolando
things - coisas
shaking - tremendo
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