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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Stop The Clocks - Leona Lewis

Stop The Clocks - Leona Lewis

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Sitting on the car

Staring at the stars

Leaning on your shoulder

I wanna cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry

Don't wanna let a single moment of you pass me by

If only I could freeze the frame

You know that I would stay right here for good

I I wanna stop the clocks tonight

I I wanna tear the hands right off

I I wanna stop the world from turning

And stay right here for good

I I hope the sun forgets to rise

I I won't ever leave your side

I I wanna stop the clocks tonight

And stay right here for good

I'd rather spend my life

Motionless with you

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