(J. Crowley/P. Becke)

Spending all my nights. all my money going out of the town

Doing anything just to get you off of my mind

But when the morning comes and I"m back where I started again

Trying to forget you is just a waste of time


Baby come back

Any kind of fool could see

wearing - vestindo
waste - desperdício
there - há
started - começado
spending - gastos
something - alguma coisa
pulled - puxado
crowley - Crowley
heart - coração
together - juntos
about - sobre
comes - vem
money - dinheiro
doing - fazendo
chance - chance
without - sem
empty - vazio
again - novamente
could - poderia
anything - qualquer coisa
where - onde
hides - esconde
blame - culpa
wrong - errado
chorus - coro
everything - tudo
bravado - bravata
forget - esqueço
smile - sorrir
false - falso
nights - noites
trying - tentando
feeling - sentindo-me
going - indo
morning - manhã

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