Men of affairs

Women with power

Satellites talking

To clatter our lives

Banks of predictions

Policies made

Prophecies broken

Violence deranged

(D-d-deranged, deranged)

And if there was love

Would that be enough?

And if there was love

Would that be enough?

Pollsters and planners

Incredibly sad

Indelibly inking

Their names across our lives

(Our lives, our lives)

Individual freedom

Intrinsically curbed

Inspiration nil

Slavery ten

And if there was love

Would that be enough?

working - trabalhando
women - mulheres
violence - violência
vacuum - vácuo
temptation - tentação
talking - falando
things - coisas
sweet - doce
there - há
swallow - andorinha
summer - verão
stone - pedra
stewards - mordomos
smiles - sorrisos
smell - cheiro
scattering - espalhamento
riches - riquezas
though - apesar
fester - fester
incomprehensible - incompreensível
enough - suficiente
excellence - excelência
banks - bancos
lords - senhores
distant - distante
infection - infecção
barest - barest
graces - graças
curbed - curled
affairs - romances
prophecies - profecias
owners - os proprietários
growing - crescendo
inspiration - inspiração
themselves - si mesmos
satellites - satélites
dignity - dignidade
expense - despesa
policies - políticas
rightly - com razão
deranged - perturbado
flower - flor
would - seria
freedom - liberdade
thing - coisa
across - através
faces - rostos
inherit - herdar
weeds - ervas daninhas
their - deles
deeds - atos
sweetest - mais doce
planners - planejadores
itself - em si
braves - bravos
broken - partido
sourest -
intrinsically - власне
slavery - escravidão
names - nomes
incredibly - incrivelmente
predictions - previsões
indelibly - indelévelmente
worse - pior
individual - individual
lilies - lírios
inking - tinta
clatter - barulho
lives - vidas
moral - moral
moving - movendo-se
natures - naturezas
others - outras
pollsters - pesquisadores
pride - orgulho
power - poder

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